2019.08—2023.08,Louisiana State University,博士后
--Susanne C. Brenner, Li-Yeng Sung and Zhiyu Tan (2023). A finite element method for a two-dimensional Pucci equation, Comptes Rendus Mécanique (The special volume in memory of Roland Glowinski), Accepted.
--Sijing Liu, Zhiyu Tan and Yi Zhang (2023). Discontinuous Galerkin methods for an elliptic optimal control problem with a general state equation and pointwise state constraints, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 437: 115494, 2024.
--Wei Gong, Zhiyu Tan and Zhaojie Zhou (2022). Optimal convergence of finite element approximation to an optimization problem with PDE constraint, Inverse Problems, 38(4): 045004, 2022.
--Susanne C. Brenner, Li-Yeng Sung and Zhiyu Tan (2021). A C1 virtual element method for an elliptic distributed optimal control problem with pointwise state constraints, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 31(14): 2887-2906, 2021.
--Susanne C. Brenner, Li-Yeng Sung, Zhiyu Tan and Hongchao Zhang (2021). A convexity enforcing C0 interior penalty method for the Monge-Ampère equation on convex polygonal domains, Numerische Mathematik, 148: 497-524, 2021.
--Susanne C. Brenner, Li-Yeng Sung and Zhiyu Tan (2020). A cubic C0 interior penalty method for elliptic distributed optimal control problems with pointwise state and control constraints, Results in Applied Mathematics, 7: 100119, 2020.
--Zhaojie Zhou and Zhiyu Tan (2019). Finite element approximation of optimal control problem governed by space fractional equation, Journal of Scientific Computing, 78: 1840-1861, 2019
--Wei Gong, Wenbin Liu, Zhiyu Tan and Ningning Yan(2019). A convergent adaptive finite element method for elliptic Dirichlet boundary control problems, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(4): 1985-2015, 2019.
--Wei Gong, Zhiyu Tan and Shuo Zhang (2018). A robust optimal preconditioner for the mixed finite element discretization of elliptic optimal control problems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 25(1): e2129, 2018.
--Zhiyu Tan, Wei Gong and Ningning Yan (2017). Overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for unconstrained elliptic optimal control problems. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 14(4-5), 550-570, 2017.